Sciatic Nerve Relief

Dysfunction of the sciatic nerve can produce severe pain, tingling, numbness and/or weakness in the leg and foot.

 Typically felt in the lower back or back of the leg, sciatic pain can range from a mild tingling to excruciating pain. Fortunately, treatment for this condition has a high success rate when identified and managed correctly. There are two common causes of sciatica, learn why identifying the cause is important to correcting your issues;


 What is the Sciatic Nerve

What does sciatica feel like?

The sciatic nerve is considered a mixed nerve, meaning that it signals both motor (muscle control) and sensory (sensations) of the lower back, legs and feet. It exits the lumbar spine at multiple levels and travels through the gluteus muscles, along the back of the leg and into the foot. Compression or irritation of this nerve can cause numbness, tingling, lack of coordination, muscle weakness and pain anywhere along the course of the nerve, from the low back to the foot. 


How Sciatica Starts

Which Sciatica do I have?


Discs & Joints of the Lumbar Spine

Typically felt in the low back and in one or both legs, this type of pain can be the result of an injury or trauma. It can be felt immediately after an injury or it can develop slowly from degeneration of the discs and joints of the lumbar spine. Disc bulges, protrusions, herniations and arthritis can all trigger sciatic symptoms by compressing the nerve itself. 

Piriformis Syndrome

Typically felt on one side of the gluteus muscles and/or lower extremity, this can be as severe as sciatic pain from a disc herniation. Piriformis syndrome occurs when the Piriformis muscle (located in the gluteus musculature) compresses the sciatic nerve. This can be due to developmental abnormalities of your muscles but it is more commonly caused by uneven tension in the muscles of the lower body. It is not uncommon to occur in people that sit at a desk or in a vehicle for long periods of time. 

What is the Best Way to Relieve Sciatic Pain?

Treatment for Sciatica

 Chiropractic Adjustments - Mobilizing the spine with chiropractic adjustments can benefit both the joints of the spine and pelvis as well as the muscles that connect and move those joints. If the thought of twisting, popping and pushing isn't for you when you are in pain, there are several techniques, some as gentle as a massage that can still prove very effective at relieving pain and improving overall function. 

Decompression Therapy - Depending on the type of sciatic pain you are dealing with, decompression therapy can be very effective. This can be performed manually by a doctor or trained heathcare specialist, by a decompression machine or at home with the correct stretches and exercises. Before beginning a home exercise rehab routine, it is important to be evaluated by a doctor first.

Passive Therapies -  This refers to therapies performed by the doctor or specialist. Therapies like traction, massage, soft tissue release, cryotherapy, and passive stretches can help relieve the pain and prevent it from returning. 

Active Therapies - Active therapies are performed by the patient; this may include exercises, stretches and mobility training. At Green Space Health we like to offer guidance on proper active therapies to allow our patients to manage their conditions successfully


 What to Expect at Green Space Health

After reviewing the history of your symptoms the doctor will perform a physical exam before any treatment is given. This may include a range of motion test, muscle tension and posture check, neurological evaluations and on-site Digital X-rays if necessary. 



The Truth About Sciatic Pain

Sciatic pain can be scary, but there are several treatment options, drugs and surgery are rarely the only option. Your pain may come from a simple muscle imbalance or a severe herniation, injury or dysfunction. The truth is; all neck & back pain is a sign of some type of dysfunction in the body - regardless of the severity - a proper evaluation is the first step in addressing your pains. Learn how Green Space Health may be the best chiropractor for you.

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