How Can I Relieve a Headache Myself?

In some cases, headache relief can be almost immediate after an adjustment. It is one of the most common treatments at Green Space Health.

Common Types of Headaches

Headaches come in several forms; Migraine, tension, ocular, cluster, sub-occipital and sinus are the most common. 

Sometimes a debilitating migraine can be resolved simply by relieving the tension in the neck.

Finding the best treatment starts with a proper history and evaluation to determine the true origins of your headaches.


Treatment for Headaches

Chiropractic Adjustments - In some cases headaches can be relieved almost immediately with the proper adjustment. While some patients prefer the immediate relief of a quick adjustment, others find it difficult to relax for an adjustment while experiencing a headache.

There are several techniques to relieve neck tension, some require no "twisting" or "popping" of the neck at all but still provide relief.

We work with your preferences to find the best treatment that is effective while providing a relaxing and therapeutic experience.

Nutrition - Headaches can sometimes be the signs of deficiencies in nutrients like magnesium, dehydration or even toxicity of certain elements.

Finding the root cause should be the primary focus of any treatment plan.

Exercise - Tension in the neck and upper back is a common cause of headaches. Personalized exercises can be given to every patient to prevent future symptoms. The ultimate goal is to teach our patients to become self-sufficient in preventing reoccurrence of old symptoms.

The perfect patient is someone that is symptom free and seeks chiropractic care to maintain optimal health rather than simply manage a symptom that      never truly resolves.

How to Fix a Headache Today

What to expect when choosing a chiropractor for headache relief.

We start with a detailed intake of your symptoms that can be completed at home or in our office.

The doctor will review your history and perform a physical exam to better understand the type of headaches and the best treatment.

This may include a range of motion test, muscle tension and posture check, neurological evaluations and on-site X-rays if necessary.

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